Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 S.A.
Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 S.A.. is an anonymous company established according to the laws of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The main goals of the company are: (a) Carrying out all activities related to digital or traditional publishing of articles, magazines, manuals, books or any kind of text; (b) Online or traditional merchandising of articles, magazines, manuals, books or any kind of text; (c) Internationally representing brands, companies or businesses under any form of a legal limited partnership. Besides its main objectives, the limited company can perform any other commercial, industrial or civil activity, and hold any kind of contract that can stimulate the growth and development of the publisher.
The company is domiciled in the city of Caracas, Venezuela, but it can share its files, conduct meetings and establish branches in any other part of the world.
The registered agent of the company is LEGALYS S.C.
Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 S.A. is a publishing group, registered as an A.S. under the number 13, section 1-A in the VII Commercial Registry on January 12th, 2021.
Business name: Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 S.A.
RIF: J500719990
Fiscal address: Cangilón Street, Terracota Residencies, Building II, 4th floor, PH-B, La Tahona, Caracas, 1050, Venezuela
Email: President
Address: 5 rue des DAHLIAS. 34830. Jacou. France. Tel: +33 499 64 86 17
Website: www.chovet.com
Email: webmaster@revistaespacios.com