Vol. 38 (Nº 25) Year 2017. Page 17
Oksana Vyacheslavovna USTINOVA 1; Viktor Aleksandrovich GARABAGIU 2; Еduard Sagidullovich GAREEV 3; Julia Valerevna ZUBAREVA 4; Olga Viktorovna KIRILOVA 5; Anna Mikhailovna ERMAKOVA 6
Received: 09/03/2017 • Approved: 15/04/2017
ABSTRACT: Creative activity of students forms under the influence of organizational culture of university, part of which are: system of values; mission, strategy, traditions; moral and psychological climate; educational process, educational and extracurricular activities. At the same time, creative activity of students contributes to the formation and development of personal qualities, skills and abilities of students, significantly impacts on the level of professionalism of graduates, their social and professional adaptation. Main components of organizational culture of universities are considered in this article. The results of sociological survey of graduates of Tyumen universities are being analyzed in this article, the purpose was to identify the degree of university’s organizational culture influence on social and professional adaptation of graduates. Major problems are identified in organizational culture, impeding the development of creativity and creative activity of students, also measures to solve them are proposed. |
RESUMEN: Forman parte de la actividad creativa de los estudiantes bajo la influencia de la cultura organizacional: sistema de valores; Misión, estrategia, tradición; Clima moral y psicológico; Proceso educativo, actividades educativas y extracurriculares. Al mismo tiempo, la actividad creativa de los estudiantes contribuye a la formación y desarrollo de las cualidades personales, habilidades y habilidades de los estudiantes, repercusiones significativas en el nivel de profesionalidad de los egresados, su adaptación social y profesional. Los principales componentes de la cultura organizacional de las universidades se consideran en este artículo. Los resultados del estudio sociológico de los egresados de las universidades de Tyumen se analizan en este artículo, con el objetivo de identificar el grado de influencia de la cultura organizacional de la universidad en la adaptación social y profesional de los egresados. Los problemas principales se identifican en la cultura organizacional, impidiendo el desarrollo de la creatividad y la actividad creativa de los estudiantes, también se proponen medidas para resolverlos. |
The fast pace of development of production, science and technology are the cause of increasing requirements for modern specialist who must learn new achievements. The decisive role in motivating activities of such specialist must play need for self-development, creative realization and self-improvement (Barbakov, Belonozhko, Siteva, 2015).
Recently, many authors draw attention to the difference between the concepts of "specialist" and "professional", filling the last one with creative meaning. As O.V. Afanasyev mention "the expert is a competent worker, who has certain (necessary for this qualification) level of knowledge and skills" (Afanasyeva, 1999).
The term "professional" is based on the concept of "profession", which should be understood as a kind of activity that requires special training, having social significance and able to meet a number of human needs (Afanasyeva, 1999). Accordingly, the term "professional" is defined as a person who owns a profession which means having skills and abilities to perform a certain kind of activity. At the same time the concept of "professional" implies the existence of certain characteristics, such as possession of a profession in perfection, innovative point of view and creative approach, etc.
A.F. Zeyer gives the following definition of "professional" as socially and professionally competent workers with professional culture (owning the skills of their craft, having valuable attitude to his activity, inner experience for the fate of the case, the ability to exercise free choice, to create new and to be responsible for their actions and solutions) and related to profession as a creator, constantly improving professional activities and striving for self-realization” (Zeyer A.F., 2000).
The main task of modern universities is becoming not just training of specialists with skills and abilities to perform a certain kind of activity but professionals as people with a new way of thinking and creative activity.
The analysis of scientific literature allows to identify a number of factors that influence the formation of creativity and creative activity of students. These factors can be subdivided into two groups: internal and external (fig. 1).
Internal factors include socio-demographic characteristics, educational, professional and creative motivations, values and personal qualities, skills; external factors include organizational culture of the university and existence (or absence) of creative approach of teacher to training and education.
Fig. 1. Factors that influence on the formation of
creative potential and creative activity of students.
The influence of university organizational culture on the formation of student's creative personality cannot be overestimated (fig. 1, 2) (Garabazhyi, Ustinova, 2013; Belonozhko, Shaforost, 2015; Tkacheva, 2013)
In this context, the position of B.Z. Milner is interesting as he considers the organizational culture as a factor of business activity, focusing on the fact that the essence of culture is manifested primarily in activities, and not just in aggregate achievements and values accumulated by mankind in course of historical development (Milner, 2007).
Fig. 2. Elements of organizational culture that influence creative activity of students.
Let us dwell on individual elements of the organizational culture of the university in details, namely, we will take a look at how they affect the formation and development of creativity and creative activity of students.
1. The system of norms and values. The principal difference between modern system of higher education is transition from goal-oriented educational systems to value-oriented educational system. In contrast with goal-oriented system, value-oriented educational systems are more flexible, but at the same time, more uncertain (in terms of results of educational activity) (Frolov, Belonozhko, 2015; Khairullina, 2014; Ustinova, Garabazhyi, 2010).
The current situation suggests the variety of values that can be expressed on the basis of bipolarity: the value of globalization (union, unity of countries and peoples) and regional-national values (recognition of the value of one’s small country); values of teamwork, catholicity and values of individual freedom and independence; the value of economic independence (secured life, self-realization in the system of market relations) and values of spiritual development ("money is not the happiness»); value of active life position (activity and initiative is aimed at the transformation of the environment) and adaptation value (careful and cautious attitude to the environment, adapt to the conditions dictated by the surroundings); values of tolerance and values of moral norms, traditions and foundations; value of personal development (equilibrium, diversifying) and values of professionalism (Gaisina, Mikhaylovskaya, Khairullina, Ustinova, Shakirova, 2015;Ignatova, 2013, Ustinova, 2014).
It is impossible to identify a clear hierarchy of values in today's society. The absence of state ideology and common system of values complicates the selection of targets for the construction of educational and training systems. It is important to help social subjects (in this case it is a student) to develop their positive attitude to life, to build a system of moral values, which will be basis for the activities of individual for better life of society. The system of moral values involves the formation of a productive relationship of personality to the world, society, state, their professional activities, other people and himself. At the same time, the definition of "productivity" is impossible without creative activity.
2. The value of mission in management of higher education institution is defined in several positions. Firstly, the mission gives the society, the state, the labor market an idea of what the institution is, to which it aspires, what tools and techniques it is willing to use to achieve its goals. This has an impact on the image of the university, so a positive image ensures maximum compliance of results stated during the mission. And vice versa, if the mission declares formal values that the institution actually does not seek, it is the most negative impact on its image. Second, the mission of the university contributes to the unity of community, formation of corporate spirit and values. Mission of making the actions of all its members is oriented in one direction, teaching staff and students easier identify themselves with their university. Third, the mission creates opportunities for development of effective management of the university, as it defines the priorities, values, and a common approach to the functioning of the university as an integral self-developing system.
The process of formation of university strategy is closely linked with its mission (fig. 3)
Fig. 3. Interconnection between strategy and mission of the university
The existence of feedback means that, if necessary, mission and goals of higher education institutions can be reviewed and adjusted strategy.
These features allow the mission to create favorable conditions for the development and successful implementation of unified university's strategy to develop creativity and creative activity of students, as well as to cultivate the values of creative activity among students.
3. Educational work. For successful implementation of educational function of university education should be focused on creating educational and developmental environment of university, promoting development of student's personality, upbringing professionally competent person, a citizen, a person with high level of culture and morality. Educational and developing environment of the university is considered as a set of conditions to ensure productive interaction of teachers and students in the process of educational, research and innovative, socio-cultural, and, certainly, creative activities.
4. University extracurricular activities. This area is a system of measures aimed at creating conditions for creative development and self-realization of students. These activities include creation and operation of student clubs, teams, theaters, competitions, etc.
Extra-curricular activities are an integral part of organizational culture of university, while the culture of university is an important integration factor determining degree of efficiency of functioning of all educational institutions and forms, in the final analysis, its image (fig. 4).
Achievements of students, both during training and after graduation are example when creative activity of students which was formed in organizational culture of university system. Active participation of students in creative life of the university allows them, in addition to career development in the chosen creative direction, to succeed in a professional field.
Fig. 4. The impact of organizational culture on the formation
of students' creative potential and image of the institution
5. The educational process, as part of organizational culture of the university, has two aspects: first is the focus of high school programs on creative development of students; second is learning technologies used in learning process.
From the standpoint of improving learning technologies, the most appropriate and justified seems the improvement of material, teaching methods and scientific training base, as well as the replacement of passive active educational technologies. The first set of measures is not a unique and qualitatively new as listed events are offered rather frequently and they are universal. However, the most relevant is the intensive use of active learning methods.
The value of such training methods is caused, firstly, by positive perception of students conceptually new approach to provide them with knowledge and, secondly, by identification of their creative individuality and increased interest in the training process.
It should be noted that the concept of ‘innovative educational technologies’ mainly refers to their implementation in educational practice that is still an exception rather than a rule.
At the same time, innovative character of education and educational technology marked among basic principles of implementation of federal state educational standards.
Another innovative area of preparation of students is introduction of information technologies in educational process. It is believed that computer teaching methods in terms of effectiveness are not inferior to traditional. At the same time, it should be noted that growing number of primitive training programs are not only increase efficiency of learning but often give a negative result. Many programs like that offer only to read text from screen and do not ensure achievement of educational goals.
There are also technical problems of educational informatization: requires special, usually expensive equipment; requires sufficient bandwidth data transmission channels using multimedia materials for teaching.
6. Moral and psychological climate. Organizational experience shows that it is the lack of common moral criteria that define and regulate the behavior of all participants of the educational activity, which could be dissatisfaction with moral and psychological climate in team and as a consequence – the feeling of psychological discomfort which causes staff turnover, numerous conflicts and other negative factors, which had been mentioned earlier and prevents disclosure of creativity, both among teachers and students. It is not a coincidence that Robert M. and F. Thielmann, while exploring the determinants of collective solidarity, claimed that "one of the primary elements of cohesion, binding individuals in institutional human association, is psychological defense against anxiety» (Rober, Thilman, 1988).
According to K. Davis, in accordance with the criterion of cohesion which characterizes the coherence function role positions of group members of the educational institution, organizational culture usually divide as weak and strong. According to K. Davis, it is in conformity with the criterion of cohesion characterizing the coherence function-role positions of group members of the educational institution, to distinguish between weak and strong organizational culture (Davis, 2000). In addition, cohesion of a certain educational community is substantially caused by the management segment. In this case we are talking about the importance of such criteria as specifics of leadership.
As B.Z. Milner rightly observes, activities of senior management has a significant impact on organizational culture of the entire institution. Features of their behavior and strategy of organization proclaimed establish some rules, which are perceived by entire organization (Milner, 2007). At the same time scientist rightly emphasizes that the primary role of senior management is to create working environment in which employees (teachers), and in this case, students as well, would be able to optimally fulfill their potential, including creative one. B.Z. Milner also notes that starting point in the process of formation organizational culture is effective management, meeting needs of subordinates (in our case it is also teachers and students), facilitate their growth and creative realization (Milner, 2007).
Socio-psychological climate in individual student groups and teams has equally important impact on the organizational culture of institution.
Thus, A. Zankovsky defining socio-psychological component as one of the main structural components of organizational culture, says that from the standpoint of the need to preserve and improve the organizational and cultural complex, psychological climate has great importance in organization as a person faces with it in contact with the staff. At the same time psychological climate is predominant and relatively stable spiritual atmosphere that reflects the relationship of team members to each other and also to work (Zankovsky, 2002).
High importance of socio-psychological climate in organizational culture was mentioned by many other scientists. For example, G. Pochebut notes that American sociologists and psychologists, exploring the phenomenon of socio-psychological climate, often involve "organizational culture" enterprises, relations between workers and managers (Pochebut, 2000). Socio-psychological climate in its essence is the mental state of the team which is determined by the specificity of interpersonal relation group, especially its ability to live and function, also it is a quality criterion that characterizes interpersonal relations, manifested in the form of combination of factors that promote or imped productive joint activities (including activities aimed at creative realization).
Thus, only in favorable psychological atmosphere, students can optimally unleash their creativity. At the same time, inverse relationship is also valid: the use of creative approaches in educational process, the implementation in the framework of institution activities that contribute the manifestation of creative activity of students, in general, increases the socio-psychological climate of the team and contributes to harmonization of relationships within it.
An important part of the moral and psychological climate of the team is the efficiency of interaction between teachers and students during the learning process.
I.P. Volkov emphasizes that keeping specificity of a particular teacher or student team in studies of its psychological and social characteristics implies among other things, an understanding of the fact that in each group must be allocated formal (i.e, social, role, formal) and informal (emotional and psychological) structure. Reported structures have close relationship, and their degree overlap determines the cohesion of the group (Volkov, 2001). At the same time I.P. Volkov points out an important role of collective cohesion factor as an important criterion for characterizing socio-psychological climate and organizational culture as a whole.
By definition of J. Nyustroma and K. Davis, it should be understood that by the degree of cohesion, in which the group members rely on the help of their colleagues, there is a tendency to stay in the ranks of a particular team, support each other. At the same time, scientists noticed that the turnover in close-knit groups is small, initiative and creative activity is quite high, and overall performance indicators are quite stable (Newstrom, Davis, 2000).
Researchers give a lot of attention to positive subjective emotional side of pedagogical communication, which should be based on organizational culture of universities. Indeed, optimistic guideline facilitates creative process for coming communication that creates a positive psychological climate in class (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.A. Kan-Kalik, J.L. Lviv) and non-judgmental, accepting, supporting and secure conditions (E.L. Yakovleva).
It is necessary to generate such institution culture, in which both teachers and students could feel comfortable and reveal their potential in the best way, realizing at the same time their internal and social needs.
In order to study the degree of university organizational culture influence on social and professional adaptation of students a survey 48 graduates of of Tyumen of universities was held, which were active in student life while studying in high school, and a career that can be called a success. The criteria for successful professional realization of graduates were classified as executive positions; existence of their own business; existence of a scientific degree; implementation in creative work (criteria - fame, popularity).
4 blocks were offered to graduates:
1) socio-demographic characteristics of respondents;
2) evaluation of the level of creative activity of respondents during the period of education;
3) evaluation of the influence of organizational culture of the university on creative activity of students;
4) study of the impact of creative activity of students on social adaptation and professional realization of young specialists.
Social-demographic characteristics are demonstrated in Table 1.
Table 1. Social-demographic characteristic of respondents
More than half of respondents (56.4%) used to take part in creative life of universities. Also third part of them (32.1%) used to have their own researches; every second student used to take part in different creative communities (50.4%); every third student used to go in for sports (30.7%).
According to the survey, most graduates think that their creative life helps them in their careers, fourth part of students agree (78.4%). At the same time every fifth student assumes that creative life does not have any influence on their career ladder (21.6%).
More than half of respondents indicated that participation in creative life of university contributed to the development of communication skills which are necessary for their careers (60.7%); more than third of respondents indicated that creative activity contributed to the development of creative thinking (39.2%); one of five thinks it helped to improve overall cultural development (21.4%). One in six said that the reference of participation in creative activity of university positively impacted on the opinion of the employer (17.9%).
As the purpose of the study was to show the influence of organizational culture of universities in the creative activity of students, so questions about assessment of moral and psychological climate in university were added to questionnaire.
It should be noted that a significant number of respondents evaluated the relationship of teachers and students at the university as warm, friendly and conflict-free (58,9%), third of respondents (29.2%) indicated discomfort, conflict relations in student-teaching staff. The remaining 11.9% of the respondents pointed to neutral psychological climate among students.
At the same time the graduates were asked to assess the degree of influence of the moral and psychological climate in university on students’ creative activity. It should be mentioned that 87.2% respondents indicated the presence of influence of emerging moral and psychological climate in universities and creative activity of students. Only 12.8% mentioned that psychological impact on the climate of the university is non-significant.
During the evaluation of impact of administration and teachers in universities on the formation of motivation for creativity, almost three-quarters of surveyed graduates of the university emphasized that the creative activity of students is not prestigious among students, which significantly reduces the interest in creative activities (71.4%). 17.8% of respondents indicated that during their student years they faced with negative attitude of teachers to students’ creative life. 10.7% directly pointed out that during their study at the university students' creativity was not welcomed by either teachers or students.
In general, graduates of the university evaluate influence of organizational culture on creative potential and creation activity rather high.
At the same time, during the survey the following problems in organizational culture that prevent the development of creative potential and creative activity were identified. They need to be solved.
The problems are:
- low level of students’ awareness about creative life of university despite high interest in this field;
- mismatch of needs and demands of students in curricular and extra-curricular actions directed on development of creativity and creative activities, offered by modern universities,;
- low prestige of scientific researches and art programs offered by universities.
- practical absence of active learning methods of students in teaching process;
- negative attitude of majority of teachers to students’ creative life in university.
There is a number of ways directed to improve organizational culture of universities which should help to organize students’ art:
1) Measures to improve socio-psychological climate of teachers’ and students’ groups by providing team trainings and conflict management; collaborative trips, hiking, celebrations.
2) Measures to improve the qualifications of teaching staff (courses aimed at development of knowledge and skills of teachers applying active forms and problem-oriented teaching methods, training).
3) Measures to implement unified university policies that ensure active development of creative potential and creative activity of students (development of special programs aimed at increasing creative activity of students, publication of guidelines addressed to teaching staff, declaring the strategy of cultivating of values of creativity among students, active promotion among teaching staff and among students of value and prestige of creative realization).
4) Measures to increase teacher's role in improving students' creativity:
- formation of favorable psychological climate in interaction "teacher - student" by methods of social psychology (team building training, cohesion, public speaking);
- realization of personal-oriented approach in teaching;
- improvement of work of teachers to increase students' creative motivation (creating conditions for practicing creative activities in framework of university, promotion of creative activity of students).
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1. Tyumen Industrial University, Volodarskogo Street, 38, Tyumen, Russia, 625000
2. Charity Foundation "Russian Silhouette", Permyakova Street, 69, Tyumen, Russia, 625000
3. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450062, Ufa, Kosmonavtov Str., 1
4. Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Respubliki Street, 7, Tyumen, Russia, 625003
5. Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Respubliki Street, 7, Tyumen, Russia, 625003
6. Tyumen Industrial University, Volodarskogo Street, 38, Tyumen, Russia, 625000
Contact Email: nursafa@inbox.ru